Company Profile
Company Profile
Company name
Mirrativ, Inc. -
February 9, 2018
Paid-in capital
JPY 100,000,000 (as of December 2023) -
Junichi Akagawa, Founder & CEO Visit here for profile
8th Floor Meguroyamate Place, 2-10-11 Meguro,
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063 Japan 10 min. walk from JR Yamanote Line Meguro Station West Exit10 min. walk from Toei Subway Mita/Namboku Line Meguro Station West Exit
Business description
Development and planning of the game distribution platform ""Mirrativ"", Mirrativ advertising business, live gaming business
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Users are requested to contact us through the Contact Us link in the app.
Board of Directors
After graduating from Keio University's Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, he joined DeNA, and in April 2012 became the youngest executive officer in charge of overseas business and browser game business. In February 2018, he founded Mirrativ through an MBO of the Mirrativ business from DeNA.
Toshihiko Suyama Director, CFO
After graduating from the University of Tokyo with a degree in economics, he worked at Roland Berger and DeNA before launching his own business. Subsequently after serving as a director at several startups, he joined Mirrativ in 2021. As Director and CFO, he is in charge of a wide range of corporate functions.
Managing Partner, Globis Capital PartnersResponsible for consumer, healthcare, and digital investments. Ranked #1 in Forbes Japan's Most Influential Venture Investors 2018, #7 in 2015, #10 in 2020. He holds a BA in Economics from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from Harvard Business School.
CEO of Kurashicom Inc. Co-founded Kurashicom with his sister, Tomoko Sato, in 2006. In 2007, he launched “Hokuoh, Kurashi no douguten” which sells Scandinavian vintage goods online.
Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Nobuhiro Suzuki Full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Nobuhiro Suzuki Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Yoko Naito Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Executive Officer
Yujiro Okada Executive Officer, Head of Mirrativ Business Headquarters
After graduating from Waseda University with a degree in literature, he joined the game publisher Nexon and served as a manager of the entire creative department. In 2021, he joined Mirrativ where he currently serves as a division head of design division and events division.
After completing his master degree in physics at Tokyo University of Science, he joined Timers in 2014 where he worked as a iOS lead engineer and engaged in development of the services. He joined Mirrativ in December 2018 and now is in charge of the head of the technology development division.
Kentaro Sugihara Executive Officer, Head of Live-gaming Division
After graduating from Waseda University Graduate School of Commerce, He joined DeNA as a new graduate. In charge of director/producer and deputy manager of several large-scale titles in the game division. He joined Mirativ in March 2021. After working as a product manager, he currently serves as the division head of live-gaming devision.
Hikaru Kamimura Executive Officer, Head of Marketing Division and Product Business Division
After completing a graduate program at the University of Tokyo III and GSII, he joined P&G. As a senior brand manager, he was responsible for a FMCG brand. After serving as a manager at several startup companies, joined Mirrativ in 2024. Currently serves as the division head of the business development division, overseeing marketing & sales.